Stórfréttir frá Kanada! Frjálslyndi flokkurinn, sem er flokkur forsætisráðherrans Justin Trudeau, hefur heitið því að binda enda á opið sjókvíaeldi við strendur landsins ekki seinna en árið 2025. Í staðinn er stefnt að eldi í lokuðum kvíum eða á landi.

Rétt eins og staðan er hér á landi hafa laxeldisrisarnir horft til Kanada sem svæði til að þenja út þennan óumhverfisvæna iðnað. Ef Frjálslyndi flokkurinn fær að ráða mun það ekki gerast við Kanada.

Það er mikil tímaskekkja að íslensk stjórnvöld eru á sama tíma að hleypa sífellt fleiri sjókvíum ofan í okkar fallegu og ómenguðu firði.

Skv. frétt IntraFish:

“Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party in Canada launched its full campaign platform on Sunday, which included a major proposed change to the country’s salmon farming industry.

“In British Columbia, we will work with the province to develop a responsible plan to transition from open net pen salmon farming in coastal waters to closed containment systems by 2025,” the plan said.

The plan is part of what the party has dubbed “Canada’s first-ever Aquaculture Act.”

“To keep Canada’s oceans healthy, we will move forward with more investments in marine science and fighting invasive species, and will work with coastal communities, Indigenous communities, and others to better protect fish stocks and marine habitats from changes resulting from climate change,” the 85-page document said.

The plan largely echoes a plan released earlier this month by the Country’s even more left-wing Green Party, which also stated a goal to move all net-pen farming to RAS by 2025.

The Green Party’s plan goes a step further, stating the country should remove “Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s mandate to promote salmon aquaculture and shift regulation of aquaculture to Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, thereby eliminating DFO’s conflicting roles of aquaculture promotion and wild salmon protection.”