Samkvæmt opinberum skráningum sluppu 143 þúsund laxar úr opnum sjókvíum við Noreg í fyrra en yfirvöld þar í landi gera ráð fyrir að sleppingarnar séu í raun 2-4 meiri en sjókvíaeldisfyrirtækin gefa upp. Skv. Salmon Business:

“142,975 salmon and 674 rainbow trout escaped from Norwegian pens in 2018.

2017’s record low gave the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries a reason to be cautiously optimistic. But 2018’s number of escaped fish is now back to a six-digit number.

In 2018, the Directorate of Fisheries received 42 reports on escapes from fish farmers, bringing the number to a total of 143,649 fish at the end of December. The figures are preliminary and adjusted on an ongoing basis.”