Komið hefur verið í veg fyrir að settar verði niður sjókvíar með eldislaxi í einum af fallegustu fjörðum Chile. Ástæðurnar eru óásættanleg mengun frá þessum iðnaði með tilheyrandi hættu fyrir náttúruna og lífríkið. Þetta eru sömu ástæður og dönsk stjórnvöld tiltóku þegar þau tilkynntu í vikunni að ekki yrðu gefin út leyfi fyrir frekari sjókvíaeldi þar við land.

Þetta er að gerast á sama tíma og stjórnvöld hér eru að gefa út leyfi fyrir aukið sjókvíaeldi í fjörðum landsins.

Skv. frétt The Guardian:

A growing wave of resistance to the expansion of salmon farms along the Chilean coast has led to an important victory in the fight to protect a pristine fjord in southern Patagonia, home to indigenous groups and an array of stunning wildlife.

Dolphins, whales and colonies of penguins thrive in the 240km-long Beagle Channel, an area of outstanding natural beauty between Chile and Argentina which attracts tourists from all over the world.

Business interests, from both home and abroad, have faced fierce opposition from scientists and campaigners, who claim the introduction of the non-native species will replicate damage caused by the aquaculture industry elsewhere in the region.

The local community and campaigners are celebrating an unprecedented triumph after putting a stop to one company’s plans to rear 1.9m fish in 18 cages in what would be the first salmon farms in the Beagle Channel.

Earlier this year Greenpeace alleged that the company Nova Austral had illegally installed a number of sea pens on the water near Puerto Williams, the world’s southernmost city.”