Under the surface ( film )

Among the many projects the IWF has supported is the documentary film Under the Surface by Þorsteinn J Vilhjálmsson. The film was premiered in The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service Television, in 2018. English subtitles.

The urgent importance of the work of the Icelandic Wildlife Fund is also highlighted in two excellent recent articles in English about the fight to preserve the wild Icelandic salmon and the threats posed by growing industrial-scale salmon farming in open net pens in Icelandic fjords.

A Pink but Toxic Gold Rush, Reykjavík Grapevine, September 13 2019

Iceland, Open-Net Fish Farms, and the Final Frontier for Wild Atlantic Salmon, The Cleanest Line, September 4 2019

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Skilmálar og persónuvernd

Umhverfissjóðurinn The Icelandic Wildlife er ekki rekinn í ágóðaskyni ( non – profit ).
Hann er sjálfseignarstofnun og starfar samkvæmt lögum nr. 19/1988 um sjóði og stofnanir.